Soundcloud Followers

Premium Follower​s
Premium Follower​s
Simply Click, Swiftyly Delivered
Real Followers
Real Followers
Genuine accounts
Instant Start
Instant Start
Immediate growth
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
High-quality followers

Personal Assistant

We're here to assist you every step of the way. Chat with us now — we're ready to help!

Real Followers

Get genuine followers to enhance your social media credibility. Build a larger, authentic audience for better engagement and visibility.

Rapid Growth

Quickly increase your follower count to boost your online presence. Achieve significant growth in a short time.

Targeted Followers

Receive followers tailored to your niche. Ensure that your new followers are relevant and interested in your content.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Once you make an order on our website we shall include you in our database. And the delivery will start immediately.

Can I feel sure that my account won’t be suspended?

Our specialists work in accordance with SoundCloud guidelines. So we assure you that your account is free of any risks of being suspended.

Will it take long to complete my order?

The length of delivery mainly depends on the package you have selected.

Do you provide real Followers?

All the users who give likes to your music are real. So the likes given by them are real too.

Will the followers last forever?

Because all our services are provided with the help of real users, there may be a 10% drop in followers (and not more!). If it is more than this, be sure to contact our support.

Do you need password?
We never deal with your personal information.
Which package is right for me?
Well, that is all about what your SoundCloud needs. We try to offer packages that can fit the needs of each and every SoundCloud user.
Why should I work with Fansoria?
We are here for you. Unlike some of our competitors, we are all about making your goal a reality.
What information do you need?
Nothing too personal, we promise! Just the link of your post, that you want buy Soundcloud Followers for.
How long will it take to get SoundCloud Followers?
It is pretty simple to see. Just enter the number of followers you want, and you will be delivered immediately.
“As a SoundCloud user, you are responsible for promoting your music. You cannot leave it up to a PR agency, or a record label, or somebody else. While these external factors are great for promoting your music, the real work will start with you.”

Importance of SoundCloud Followers

SoundCloud is one of the biggest and most important online music communities in the industry. SoundCloud has truly disrupted the way online music distribution is carried out. It gives independent artists space and a platform needed for DIY music promotion.

SoundCloud makes it easy for aspiring musicians to get their original productions out there, but getting noticed among thousands of other users is another story. Nothing gets people talking quite like fresh, original music, so putting together a library of songs that you’re proud of is a must. Once this piece of the puzzle (getting SoundCloud Followers) is in place, you can generate interest in your unique brand of sound by forming relationships with other SoundCloud users and using platforms like social media, internet forums, and music blogs to increase your visibility.

6 Pro Ways to Get More SoundCloud Followers

Make great music

No matter how much marketing or PR you give to your music, if it is average, then no one will want to listen to your songs and you won’t get many plays. You should not forget the golden rule of music promotion and marketing – your music is marketing. You do not just market your music, it is directly linked to the promoting process.

People will not buy an AC or a vacuum cleaner if they don’t need one. Similarly, no one will listen to your music if they don’t actually like it. It is especially true for music on SoundCloud where the barrier of entry is fairly low and even the most horrible music gets uploaded, which means listeners will have more to sift through.

It has been found over time and musicians and producers (especially the ones who want a music career) tend to overestimate the demand and quality of their music. Many musicians make this mistake in the early days. With time, you can go back to your old music and hear the improvement you’ve made over time.

Leverage existing audience

While it might be confusing to say but it is actually true. There are many people who are probably going to be better at marketing music and promoting than you. So you don’t need to reinvent the wheel but instead, you should use it to your advantage. Many people dedicate their career to finding and sharing music to audiences who love it, and you should do the same.

You should find channels on SoundCloud that will repost your music to a bigger audience than you ever could. This will come in the form of :

  • Promotional channels
  • Repost channels
  • Artists with bigger followings
  • Labels/collectives
  • Playlisters

The key here will be to find channels that’ll prove to be a good fit for your music. You shouldn’t go around messaging someone just because those channels have a ton of followers. These channels are also looking for specific kinds of music for their tastes.

So you should check out a few of their previous shares/uploads and then make a decision. You shouldn’t be too scared in case your music isn’t the same as the music those channels have promoted before, but if it is very different, they might give your music a pass and not promote it.


Basically, the most effective way to speedily increase your music’s popularity is by providing it with a surge of momentum in the form of SoundCloud plays. There’s no mystery surrounding the effectiveness of this technique—by purchasing plays for your music, you’ll have a direct influence on its overall popularity. This is especially useful if there’s one track in particular that you feel deserves more attention and would spark greater interest in your talent as an artist.

Email is king

Send a professional message:

  1. That you know your recipient will receive.
  2. That goes to an account that they check regularly.
    Also, that is clear and simple.
  3. That doesn’t rely on a platform that might go soon.
    The answer to all these will be – an Email.

Although it is an old way, it is still one of the best. You might be wondering how it relates back to SoundCloud. Everyone these days has an email account. Artists, record labels, repost channels, promo channels, music fans, and others. You can easily communicate with them through email, no matter if they have Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or not.

For instance, you can get your best play numbers from email networking including placements on top weekly playlists on SoundCloud. Moreover, the best thing about email networking is that you’ll get immediate responses. Most channels that you send an email to will likely revert back within a day or two. Granted it might not usually be the case for major names in the industry but email networking certainly works.

Repost Chains

This one is easily one of the most useful tools on SoundCloud. It is an effective method of garnering the force of multiple accounts in a very simple, automated way.

In essence, a repost chain is just a group of people who will automatically repost a track. Each one of them will be at a certain time interval for maximizing exposure. All that you need to do is get a few music buddies in a chain and one person will submit new tracks to the chain. As each one of you gains followers, you’ll multiple the reach each time.

Having producer friends

You can get your inner circle of friends together and sign up for a repost chain. This way, you’ll have a guaranteed baseline of exposure each time you upload a new track.

Bigger chains

Having a lot of people on Facebook or Instagram groups will be helpful. These days, a lot of people are looking to join repost chains because the bigger the chain gets, the more valuable it becomes. The only caveat here is that you usually need to have at least a certain number of followers to join such chains (e.g. more than 5,000 followers).

Random chains

If exposure what you really need, you can try going on Google and asking ‘repost chains’ and you’ll get numerous results for submissions to certain chains. Also, these aren’t always an effective way of gaining promotion as you can get a lot of plays that don’t mean much. Moreover, be selective about your choices.

Make your music discoverable to all

Now that SoundCloud has a ‘Discover’ tab, the primary aim should be to get your music featured on the discovery page. The best way of doing that is through metadata. You can tell SoundCloud what genre of music your new track is, and it’ll give the best chance on the platform. There are a few ways of doing this –

  • Correct genre tags
  • Name the track properly
  • Relevant track tags
  • Get other engagements (such as likes, comments, shares, etc.)
  • Utilize the description

Among all these factors, the ‘Correct Genre tags’ will be the most important factor for SoundCloud’s algorithm to decide where your music will be placed. Beyond this, the more metadata SoundCloud has, the better opportunities the platform will give to your track. Your music won’t just see the ‘Discover’ page but it’ll also get the ‘Charts’ feature, especially when your track gets more plays.


Now let’s get real; Are you worried about decreasing popularity on your SoundCloud page? In short, amazing way is to promote advantage by buying followers for your SoundCloud.

When a person starts on SoundCloud, his main concern is popularity. He wants to reach out to maximum number of people as possible all around the world. When you are associated with a popular brand or company, getting large number of followers or likes is not a difficult thing. One can have them conveniently.

However, when you are just an enthusiast of music, art or something else like that or started a page as a hobby, buying SoundCloud followers are the best available options. It is similar to advertising your page in front of people who have similar likes and interests. There are several benefits of buying followers and fans other than just having them. Some of them are:


Soundcloud is really a popular online audio distribution platform that allows its users for upload, record, promote and share their originally created sounds. In comparison to general marketing program for social media pages, buying SoundCloud followers is rather easier and affordable.


All the followers you have obtained through SoundCloud followers plan from Fansoria are genuine people from all over the world. You can easily enhance your reach to all these people throughout this program. As a result, you can have most wanted and targeted each.


At present time, consumers are attracted to online content that already show off a track record of success, and this is especially true in the world of music. Many listeners will only give your music a chance if you’ve already demonstrated your worthiness to a previous audience. In this sense, Buying SoundCloud followers plays will provide you with the credibility that you need to draw in a wider audience. This enhancement to your online reputation will have far-reaching impact to your image, far beyond SoundCloud’s platform.


It’s not a secret that users are attracted to content which is perceived as popular, and purchasing plays will have a direct impact on the appeal of your music. If you’re a rising artist that doesn’t have a core audience of listeners yet, purchasing plays can help establish you as a musician and improve your ability to catch in more listeners.

Numerous packages For Buying SoundCloud Followers

There is certainly no lack of the necessary selection in our shop. We offer you a wide range of sizes in every area, so that the right solution can be found for every channel. This way, we effectively support you in your SoundCloud marketing and make sure that the posting of new songs are worthwhile. At this point, it makes perfect sense to choose one of our offers and select a suitable package. But what exactly do we offer to buy SoundCloud Followers and which packages make the most sense?

We provide the real and organic SoundCloud Followers, Likes and plays. These are available in small packages as well as in large versions, thus providing the right offers for beginners and experts. At this point we would like to support you in making the right decisions. Because of the numerous packages for your marketing, the choice is always yours.

The same applies to our Instagram and YouTube services, which means we can help you quickly and easily. In this way you reach the right target group without much effort and position yourself from the best side. Thanks to the enormous variety around the suitable offers you will certainly find what you are looking for quickly. For the necessary support with your SoundCloud marketing, we are therefore the best contact and help you further. Therefore, decide in favour of our offers when marketing them.