Buy YouTube Comments

Premium YouTube Comments
Premium YouTube Comments
Simply Click, Swiftyly Delivered
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Instant Delivery
Immediate Comment Boost
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Simple and Safe

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We're here to assist you every step of the way. Chat with us now — we're ready to help!

30 Day Guarantee

Enjoy peace of mind with our 30 day money back guarantee. If our comment service doesn't meet your expectations, we’ll refund you fully.

Secure Payments

Your payment information is safeguarded using advanced security protocols. We ensure every transaction is secure and your details are protected.

Professional Support

Our expert support team is available around the clock. Contact us anytime for assistance with comments or any service-related concerns.

☑ Before using our services:

Your YouTube Channel struggles to gain visibility, with minimal Comments and low engagement, making it difficult to stand out.

✅ After using our services:

Your YouTube Channel becomes influential, with a significant increase in Comments, boosting your presence.

⚠  Move Pointer on Image to See Online change!

Before After

Frequently Asked Questions

Will buying comments affect my channel’s analytics?

Yes, buying comments will positively impact your channel’s analytics by increasing engagement metrics, such as the number of comments and overall interaction rates. This can improve your video rankings and attract more organic viewers.

Can I see examples of comments before purchasing?

Yes, you can request examples of comments to ensure they match your expectations and the style of your content. Fansoria aims to provide comments that enhance your video’s engagement naturally.

How fast do the new comments come?
Around the delivery of the acquired comments, we focus on speed as well as the safety of your channel. For this reason, you do not have to wait long but benefit immediately from your order.
How many comments should I buy?

The number of comments you should buy depends on your goals and the level of engagement you want to achieve. Fansoria offers various packages to suit different needs and budgets.

How expensive are YouTube Comments?
It depends on the number of comments that you want in total. But generally, our packages start at a few dollars and go up to a few thousand dollars.
Does YouTube have comment limit?

There is no such limit YouTube has defined for commenting but If you are commenting as a visitor then you can comment as much as you want.

Can I customize the comments I receive?

Yes, Fansoria allows you to customize the comments to match the tone and context of your video. You can provide specific comments or general guidelines, and our team will ensure they fit naturally.

Can anyone see your YouTube Comments?

Yes.YouTube comments are public and anyone can reply to a comment that you post.

What comments are not allowed in YouTube?

YouTube generally removes hate speech comments automatically. So, Hate Speech comments are not allowed.

How do I get started with buying YouTube comments from Fansoria?

To get started, visit the Fansoria website, select the YouTube comments package that fits your needs, and complete the purchase. You can provide any specific comments or guidelines at this time.

Youtubeis one of the best digital marketing tools, with which you can bring your brand to a new level

Buy YouTube Comments

Believe it or not, successful YouTube channels buy YouTube Comments on an ongoing basis. And there is a good reason for that. Because without comments, YouTube is generally a one-way media, like a TV with a lot more accessible content. Meaning, you are the producer of your content and your viewers can just watch your videos without taking an active role in it, right? And writing comments is the only thing that YouTube viewers can do to talk to you, express their ideas about your video or your content, ask their questions, talk about their thoughts, give their feedback, and have an impact on your videos.

So, you need to pay attention to their comments and answer as many YouTube comments as possible. Because it shows that you see your audience and care about their ideas and thoughts. At the same time, the number of comments below your videos shows how engaging and useful your videos are and how many users love your content. This is why most people tend to buy YouTube Comments to prove that their videos are engaging and useful. In other words, comments give you and your content credibility.

So, if you want to prove that your videos are valuable and engaging, you need to increase the number of comments below your YouTube videos either organically or you can buy some additional YouTube comments from Fansoria.

YouTube Comments Are Very Important (For Them)

Let me ask you something. Imagine that you watch two YouTube videos from two different channels. They are almost the same, and the content, design, and style are almost identical. Then a question pops up in your mind and you comment your question below both of those videos. After a day, you visit both pages to find the answer to your question.

The first YouTuber has answered your comment and after explaining the answer, he/she decided to shoot a video about it to make the topic as clear as possible. The second channel, on the other hand, didn’t answer your question! Now, which one of these two channels would you choose to Subscribe to?

Interaction Is The Key To Success

Everybody would choose the first YouTuber to subscribe to. Because he/she engaged with you and talked to you through YouTube Comments. And you know what? You will watch more of his/her videos and will write more comments and questions. I know that because I myself had the same experience.

There was a YouTuber who used to talk about interesting topics. And I remember one of his videos was about politics. At the end of the video, he asked a question. It was an open question, so there was no right or wrong answer. I thought about it for a moment and then wrote my answer.

Right after 20 minutes, I got a notification. Yes, he replied to my comment and thanked me for sharing my thoughts. But at the end of his response, there was something weird. He asked for my permission to share my comment on his next video and talk about it! I was so happy and thrilled and I replied without any hesitation, sure, you can do that.

Do you know what happened next? I turned the notification on for his channel, watched almost all of his videos, hit the like button for all of his videos, and commented on more than 60 percent of his videos! You see, one small and smart action chained me to his channel! This is the power of interaction.

YouTube Comments Breed YouTube Subscribers

So, If you want to get more YouTube comments and at the same time get more YouTube

Subscribers in the long run:

    • Pay attention to YouTube comments
    • Like your viewers’ comments
      Answer as many comments as you can
    • Use the comments to find a good topic for your upcoming videos.
    • Mention the users with good comments: this should be aligned with the topic of your video. For example, if a user asked you something and you are shooting a video about it, mention that user in your video and thank him for his question.
      Invite your viewers at the end of your videos to share their ideas and questions in the comment section.

Being The First Is So Hard!

There are plenty of studies that show almost all of us are followers of the crowd. In other words, we do the things that many people do and avoid the things that many people avoid. For example, imagine that you are watching a video that is watched by 1000 other users. At the end of the video, the YouTuber asks a question. You have an idea and an answer to that question. But in the comment section, you see no answer! Most probably you won’t write an answer to that video either! Do you know why? Because being the first is very hard!

But what if there were 10 comments

below that video? Yes, you would write your answer without much hesitation. This is because of an interesting psychological effect, called The First Follower Effect. It points out that individuals are more likely to follow a leader when that leader has a first follower. In other words, people tend to do something when they see other people do the same thing as well!

Never Have Videos Without Some YouTube Comments!

So, if you want to make it easier for your users to comment on your videos, you first need to have some comments and activate the First Follower Effect. How? You have two choices, either to get comments organically, or you can easily buy YouTube Comments from Fansoria.

How To Get Organic YouTube Comments?

“Is it really possible to get organic comments instead of buying YouTube Comments in the first place?” This is a very common question that users ask us all the time. The short answer to this question is YES. Of course, you can create high-quality, engaging, and useful content and at the end, use the following techniques to encourage your viewers to write something in the comments:

Ask them a question and encourage them to answer that question.
Encourage them to ask any questions that they might have about the topic and promise to answer those questions.
After talking about a topic in your video, ask them for their ideas and thoughts about that topic.
Ask them for their suggestion about the topic of your next video. What topics do they love to hear about? You can also give them a few options and ask them to choose one. You’ll choose the topic with the most comments. For example, tell them you are going to talk about one of these topics: 1) Covid-19 vaccination and why you are against it. 2) Why you should quit your 9-5 job and start working for yourself.

Now, these techniques are all good and you should use them in all of your videos. But they still don’t solve the First Follower problem for you. So, you still have to buy some YouTube comments in the first place.

Remember, If You Can’t Engage Viewers, Someone Will!

Based on several reports, there are over 100 million YouTube channels and over 30 million active YouTubers! In other words, you are not alone. There are other people that are trying so hard to get the audience that you are looking for. And if you can’t attract those users and engage them, one of those few 30 million YouTubers will get them out of your hand.

YouTube Is A Competition

That’s true. YouTube is a competition between you and other 30 million people, to attract more users. Now, let me give you an example. Let’s say that you attend a running race. You have practiced for months and now you are so excited and happy and can’t wait to get started and win this game. And then the race begins! But then you see something weird! Instead of running, some of your competitors get on bicycles, some use motorcycles, and some use cars! And the interesting thing is that there are a few people who use Jets!

You stop and look around for a few moments, you can’t believe what you see! You are shocked! So after a few seconds, you start protesting, “Hey, this is not fair! This is a running race! You can’t use vehicles, you have to run!” But nobody seems to pay attention to you as if nobody cares! Now, who do you think will win this race? Will you win? I doubt it!

You Can’t Win By Yourself!

28.5 million users among those 30 million YouTubers have less than 100 subscribers. In other words, 95% of YouTubers can’t get enough attention! And on the other hand, 5% of YouTubers get all the attention. Yes, that’s right. And this means, less than 5% of YouTubers can meet the requirements to monetize their channel and earn money from their channel. Do you know why? Because they are already using vehicles and buying YouTube Comments, Views, Likes, Shares, and subscribers.

So, if you want to be among that 5% and win this race, you need to stop protesting and instead start using the same tools and vehicles that successful YouTubers are using. In other words, you need to work with a professional and reliable YouTube Marketing Partner and buy YouTube Comments, Subscribers, Views, and Likes. Here at Fansoria, you can find your desired package and get any number of YouTube Comments or Views you want for a reasonable price. But, at the same time, you need to improve the quality of your videos as well.

Is It Safe To Buy YouTube Comments?

It might be confusing at first, but the answer to this question is both Yes and No! It depends on these two things: The company that you are buying YouTube Comments from.
The strategies that those companies use to deliver your ordered packages.
The company that you choose to work with is so important. Because there are hundreds of companies out there, claiming that they are the best YouTube Marketing agency in the world. But you need to know that most of them are middle companies. Meaning, they buy packages from bigger companies like Fansoria, and then sell them to you at a profit. And there are some companies that are not middle, but they use old and outdated strategies to increase YouTube Comments and views!

The Smartest Company In The World!
These old-fashioned companies forget that YouTube is owned and managed by the smartest company in the world, the giant Google. So, I ask you, can Google find out whether you are using an old strategy or not? Of course, it can recognize these old strategies easily. Because Google is smart enough to distinguish between a natural and an unnatural flow of YouTube comments, subscribers, views, or likes right? So, if you use these old and outdated strategies, Google would happily penalize you and suspend your YouTube Channel.

Our experts at Fansoria, on the other hand, only use strategies that are in alignment with the latest algorithms that Google and YouTube use. Our YouTube experts analyze all the new updates and algorithms. Then, create the best strategies that seem natural to YouTube algorithms. So, when you buy YouTube Comments or views, you can position your videos on the top and enjoy the increasing number of comments and views without any problems or risks.

Let’s Take The First Step!

Now, you have all the information and know all the things that you need to know. So, why not take the first step? Don’t hesitate, just order your first YouTube Comments package (Start small). It’s easy, fast, safe, and cheap. And the only thing that you will regret after buying YouTube Comments from Faansoria, is that you didn’t work with Fansoria earlier!